Message from your Chairman – Paul Fernandez-Montes
We are a small organization reliant on the School itself and the goodwill of those members who give up their time to organize our calendar of events – both sporting and social to help maintain the links between the School and its past alumni. If you would like to get involved or think there are other events we could help organise please get in touch:
Please also
register with us to receive emails about our events and a link to the latest newsletter as it is published. To view the latest newsletter,
click here. To access previous issues of the
Old Coventrian newsletter,
click here. These contain both new stories, reports of events that we have held and booking details of forthcoming ones. If you register you will also be able to see our lists of who was in which year and potentially contact them.
We are also on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so please like/follow/join to keep connected. Please go to our Events page on
Old Coventrians to keep up with everything that is happening.
We are reliant on having your details – so please email us with your name, contact details (email essential) and the years you were at the School. Our database of names and contacts is our primary method for keeping in touch with you, so to avoid missing out, please send your details!
I look forward to seeing you – be it at the Annual Dinner, a year group dinner or one of the sporting/musical occasions.
Kind regards
Paul Fernandez –Montes